Preciosa Ornela Zásada
PRECIOSA ORNELA, a.s. is part of the Preciosa Group and is one of the world's most significant producers of a wide range of glass products made from glass rods and lampworking rods, technical and utility glass and all types of glass seed beads and beads.
Preciosa Ornela’s glass factories for the production of glass and seed beads can be found at two locations in the Jizera Mountains. Technical glass and glass semi-products productions are concentrated in the town of Desná, a valley surrounded by mountains and forests. The coloring and final production of seed beads takes place in the village of Zásada.
Few of the things which surround us and accompany us every day have such a rich and fascinating history as glass seed beads. The history of Czech seed beads stretches back to deep into the 16th century, when the first glass furnace was lit in the town of Mšeno in North Bohemia. However, the production of this unique phenomenon (seed beads) has its roots in Venice, Italy in the year 1500. It gradually moved from there to North Bohemia where it was then perfected and the uniquely wide range and quality of products became internationally renowned.
The seed beads produced at Preciosa Ornela are sold in more than 80 countries on 5 continents in the world. They travel to countries where they are not only used to make costume jewelry, but also in the production of ethnic products, traditional souvenirs, embroidery and clothing appliques or decorative products. Preciosa Ornela produces around 4 thousand tons of them every year.
Czech seed beads proudly bear the PRECIOSA Traditional Czech Beads™ brand, by means of which Preciosa Ornela guarantees the best quality and the widest range of colors, shapes and sizes.
„Although larger towns than Zásada exist in Northern Bohemia, few of them have such a colorful past and present history. The town is not unlike the glass seed bead, which has sustained the local population for almost two centuries. There is no top, there is no bottom; the town rotates between worlds, with alternating times of abundance and economic downturns, both in the spotlight and in the shadows. The seed beads from Zásada are known the world over, thanks to generations of industrious and resourceful people…“ (A passage from the Zásadský ráj – The story of Czech seed beads book).
We invite everyone to visit the company store in Zásada. Bead Shop offers a wide selection of traditional Czech beads and seed beads that have no analogues in the world.