Granary Lemberk
The Lemberk Granary is a Baroque granary near Jablonné in the Podještědí region of Liberec.
The vision of the Lemberk granary project is not only the restoration itself, which preserves the architectural monument, but also its involvement in the new life, when the granary becomes a new centre of education, art and culture. We envision a place where artists, architects and experts on various topics can connect with the general public, share their knowledge and enrich each other.
Through a wide range of programmes and events, we raise awareness of the importance of protecting cultural and architectural heritage as well as the environment. We host exhibitions of glass from the private collection of Galerie Kuzebauch, the Lemberg Step by Step exhibition, a series of seminars on culture and society, architectural exhibitions from the Czech Republic and abroad, and exhibitions of selected sculptors.